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By: Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D.

There are hundreds of testimonies about the beneficial effects of visiting the prehistoric Underground Labyrinth Ravne, which have been carefully recorded and documented by the “Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” Foundation. Some fragments are published on the official website of the Foundation: www.bosnianpyramid.org.

In terms of the human health, the Foundation is aware that these are delicate and sensitive situations. However, it’s decided to share these testimonials with the public, with their consent, because the energy of the pyramids might help other people as well.

During the eleven years of the persistent, systematic, interdisciplinary scientific approach, the Foundation teams have pioneered in the science of the pyramids on the global scale. Firstly, they’ve proved that in the heart of Bosnia there is the greatest and the oldest pyramidal complex constructed in the world. Further on, the expert teams on the energy phenomena (physicists, electrical and communication engineers, sound engineers) have confirmed that the pyramid is, in fact, a giant energy amplifier (intensifier) producing various types of the energy.

The application of these energies is performed on several levels: (1) in the long-distance communication through the scalar waves emitted at the top of the pyramid, (2) the protection of the most important thing for us, our health, by generation of the best electromagnetism, the levitating ultrasound frequency (28 kHz), and the maintenance of the Planet’s natural frequency – Schumann’s Resonance (7, 83 Hz). In addition, the energy of pyramids affects also (3) the refinement of the molecular structure of the water and (4) food, (5) the betterment of the human immune system, (6) the enhancement of the bioenergetic field (aura), (7) the better balance of the energy of the chakras, (8) the improvement of the mental and spiritual side, etc.

Therefore, the revolutionary conclusion of the exploration of the pyramids in Visoko is that the purpose of the pyramids is not to represent the tomb for a dead human body, king or pharaoh, in fact, they were built for the communities of living people, intended to last for thousands of years. Of course, the orthodox scientists are hard in accepting the change of the scientific paradigm. If they don’t understand something (or don’t want to understand) then they are attack and mocking. But, the time will come when all explorers of the pyramids in the world will follow the footprints of the exploration of the Bosnian Pyramids.

The Underground Labyrinth Ravne was constructed 30,000 years ago as an integral part of the pyramid complex in Visoko. It spreads on ten kilometers, and up to this moment, the Foundation has cleaned and suspended over 1,950 meters. The high presence of the pyramid energy is recorded inside the tunnels, as well as many other factors which contribute to its beneficial effect, such as:

-    The high concentration of the negative ions for which it’s medically proved to have the beneficial effect on the health because they clean the atmosphere from the dust, they raise the oxygen level in the blood and lower the number of viruses and bacteria. The negative ion concentration is one hundred times higher than in the cities, and ten times higher than, for example, in the forest of the Igman Mountain near Sarajevo, which is usually taken as the reference of the healthy environment;

-    The absence of the natural radioactivity, the values are ten times lower than the minimal values allowed,

-    The absence of the negative cosmic radiation

-    The absence of the mobile phone signal (harmful frequency of 0, 85 GHz, which is all around us)

-    The absence of the Internet Wi-Fi signal (harmful frequency of 3 GHz or 4 GHz, which is ever-present)

-    The absence of the geopathogenic radiations (strategically placed ceramic blocks in the tunnels neutralizes the negative energy of the underground waters and Hartmann’s Crossings).

When visiting the tunnels, the cells in our organism don’t have the external enemies and become able to begin their “job” – solving the problems inside the body. The regeneration process begins, i.e. the individual self-healing process. 

The Foundation has financed the implementation of the medicinal pilot study. The results were very positive; the laboratory test showed the deceleration of the erythrocyte sedimentation on almost every person tested after one visit only, which indicates that the processes of improvement of the immune system and prevention of the infection development commenced almost momentarily.   

The Italian Doctor Simone Zoccarato, after taking the tests on the living blood of the tunnel visitors in September 2017, using the dark microscope, has brought the following conclusion:

“We’ve applied the Live Blood Test (LBT) to see if the tunnels have any biological effect on the human metabolism. The general results are (1) the unusual increase of the numbers and the activity of the white blood cells, as well as (2) the enormous increase of the body tissue detoxification”. 

The Underground Labyrinth Ravne and the archaeological sites at the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun are open for the public visit during all 365 days a year.

Notice: The Foundation doesn’t deal with healing treatments. The Foundation doesn’t give any medicinal guarantees. The Foundation doesn’t claim that the visits to the pyramids and tunnels are the substitution for the regular medicinal therapies and drugs. The visit to the tunnels is done on the personal responsibility of the individual. The Foundation deals with scientific-archaeological research of the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids, but it publishes the individual testimonies of the visitors.

- Live Blood Test: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12488-live-blood-tests-prehistoric-ravne-tunnel-labyrinth-september-2017.html

- Prostate Tumor: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12469-after-visiting-visoko-andreas-is-a-healthy-men.html

- Red and White Blood Cells: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12459-live-blood-test-at-ravne-tunnels-visoko-sarajevo.html

- Fibromyalgia: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12446-birgitte-water-from-the-tunnels-helped-me.html

- Eyesight: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12425-herbert-from-belgium-was-loosing-his-eyesight-and-then-received-tunnel-water.html

- Neck Pain: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12414-lisa-and-sherom-from-england-are-spending-the-october-days-in-visoko.html

- Eyesight: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12315-volunteer-from-the-arizona-after-visiting-the-tunnels-i-could-read-without-glasses.html

- Blood Pressure: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12278-by-visiting-the-tunnel-ravne-on-regular-basis-sevim-mujevi%C4%87-solved-the-high-blood-pressure.html

- Walking: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12268-virginia-i-came-into-tunnels-ravne-with-a-stick-get-out-without-it.html

- Shoulder Pain: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12254-reduced-shoulder-pain.html

- Asthma: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12169-joseph-starvaggi-i-think-that-this-wonderful-country-has-enormous-potential-and-this-project-is-beneficial-for-the-development.html

- Asthma: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12120-self-exploration-and-healing-in-ravne-tunnel-labyrinth-august-4-2017.html

- Medical Pilot Study: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12112-health-benefits-of-visiting-underground-labyrinth-ravne-pilot-study.html

- Sinus Infection: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12075-how-long-does-ravne-tunnel-healing-last?-donna-tierney-follow-up-interview-july-18-2017.html

- Back Pain: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12045-alfredo-my-backpain-is-gone.html

- Ankle Surgery: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/12044-healing-testimony-from-the-tunnel-ravne.html

- Parkinson's: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/11958-bosnian-pyramids-groundbreaking-healing-in-underground-tunnels-%E2%80%93-parkinson%E2%80%99s-tremors-and-leg-pains.html

- Premature Baby challenges: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/11924-remarkable-baby-health-improvement-after-tunnel-visits.html

- Stress, Chakras, Energy Field: http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/latest-news/item/11539-bosnian-impressions-dr-konstantin-korotkov.html


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